uPVC Windows Ongar

Need Replacement Windows? Take a Look at our Stylish uPVC Windows in Ongar

uPVC Windows in Ongar can really transform your home, offering an incredible aesthetic as well as improved performance.

Old and tired double glazing can look dated and worn, detracting from the beauty of your property. It can also become brittle and weak, splitting easily and opening up your home to the elements. It also and offers easy access to potential intruders.

When you come to Oakland Home Improvements for new uPVC windows, you will benefit from the very latest advances in double glazing technology, making sure your home reaches its full potential.

Our stunning windows will give your Ongar property a fresh and appealing appearance, making the most of the architecture and enhancing its character.

Read on to find out more in our guide to uPVC windows in Ongar.

Super Secure uPVC Windows for Your Ongar Home

Any opening in your property needs to offer the very best security, and with our uPVC windows, there are a range of options to meet your requirements.

When you choose your uPVC windows, we will offer a range of locking options, so that you can opt for your perfect match. Our standard locks are superb, offering comprehensive protection, however, we also offer a variety of upgrades to really make your windows excel.

With our windows in Ongar, you can be completely confident that your home and family are truly safe and secure.

Keeping Your Home Warm with New uPVC Windows

Current Building Regulations specify that your double glazing must achieve a minimum Windows Energy Rating to meet with energy efficiency standards.

New uPVC windows from Oakland Home Improvements surpass this expectation, providing your home with superior thermal performance.

They come with a multi-chambered profile which creates a thermal barrier, blocking out the cold. If you want to further the energy efficiency offered, then you can enhance your new uPVC windows with our optional thermal inserts.

Our windows will help to lower the living costs of your Ongar home as you will be using less heating, and so saving money on energy bills.

uPVC doors Ongar

Traditional Features with uPVC Windows

Oakland Home Improvements understand how important it is that traditional aesthetics are enhanced with authentic design, so when you choose uPVC windows from us, we offer a number of options to create a heritage appearance.

Our windows can be tailored with a number of tasteful and classical colour finishes, giving you the opportunity to blend your double glazing in with your property.

In addition to this, you can choose from our replica hardware options and accessories, ideal for creating a period look.

With uPVC windows, your Ongar home will look just as it should, as we even offer the option of Georgian bars to complete the most natural replica aesthetic.

 uPVC Windows Styles for Your Ongar Home

Our windows come in a variety of styles to make the most of your property’s architecture and complement its appearance. See our summaries below for inspiration when it comes to choosing your home improvements.

uPVC Casement Windows

These beautiful windows have stunning slim profiles, which can be minimalist and simple for a modern look, or decorative with Georgian bars and traditional styling for heritage homes. This classical design has been around for hundreds of years, yet, it still looks as fresh today as it ever has, and is versatile, complementing any property type.

uPVC doors Ongar

uPVC Sliding Sash Windows

For true traditional charm, our uPVC sliding sash windows are the ideal replacement windows for your Ongar home. These simply stunning windows feature all the elements of this traditional 19th Century design, yet are brought into the 21st Century with the very latest technology, ensuring smooth, long term performance. Highly popular across Ongar, these uPVC windows will add so much character to your home.

uPVC Tilt and Turn Windows

Modern innovation has excelled itself with the design of our uPVC tilt and turn windows. These superb windows have a stylish, and streamlined appearance which creates a beautiful contemporary aesthetic. They are exceptionally functional too, enabling you to have easy access to the outer pane for maintenance as well as a safe exit in case of an emergency. Once locked in the tilt position, you will benefit from ventilation without any need to worry for your children and pets.


uPVC Windows Prices in Ongar

Our uPVC windows prices are completely tailored to you and your Ongar home, making sure that you can find the perfect combination of style, performance and options to meet your requirements and your budget.

Access a personalised quote with our efficient online windows designer or contact us for more information on our uPVC windows in Ongar.