Quality uPVC Windows in Braintree

You can quickly and efficiently refresh the look of your Braintree home, giving it a complete makeover, simply with new uPVC windows. Replacement double glazing for your property in Braintree needn’t be a major disruption, and could add value and enhance the beautiful appearance of your home.

Choosing new uPVC windows can be a challenge, with so many options available. Finding the right combination of looks and performance is vital. Here at Oaklands Home Improvements, we are able to help you.

We have written this handy guide to the benefits and features of uPVC windows, so that you can choose the perfect replacement double glazing for your Braintree home with confidence.

Read on to find out more about our fantastic uPVC windows.

uPVC Windows Essex

Create a Warmer Home

One of the major benefits of replacement double glazing is the improved thermal performance. Our uPVC windows are completely energy efficient, providing you with double glazing that will enhance your property.

Our double glazed windows are designed to minimise heat loss. They will block out cold air, meaning that you have no draughts, while trapping warm air within your property. This means that your home will stay warmer for longer, and as such, you will use less heating.

Not only is this great for your finances, as your energy bills will be lowered, but it is also brilliant for the environment, making your home a green property and improving your EPC ratings.

energy efficient double glazing essex

Protect Your Family

When you choose new uPVC windows from our range, you are opting for highly secure double glazing. Your family and Braintree home will be protected against intruders with our quality double glazed windows.

Every window in our range is fitted with state of the art, high security locking systems, which will work to minimise break ins. These impressive locks are manufactured to the highest standards using quality materials.

Our windows are also internally beaded, which makes them even more of a challenge to burglars, as the glass can’t be removed from the outside.

Your security is important to us, we want your Braintree home to be safe, which is why our uPVC windows come with these outstanding security features.

uPVC windows Braintree

Styled to Suit You

Our uPVC windows can be finished in a variety of colours and foils, enabling you to create the perfect look to blend in with your home and give you a tailored finish. You can choose from a selection of tasteful looks to create the exact match for your property.

Not only that, but each window we offer comes with a vast array of decorative glazing options. You can have windows that are obscured, stained, or leaded, depending on your personal tastes. Why not contact us for more information.

The Perfect Match for Your Home

Every homeowner in Braintree has their own personal tastes and style, so we offer a range of double glazed window styles giving you the opportunity to find your perfect match.

We have given a brief summary of each one here, however, if you would like more details, please visit our uPVC windows pages.

Casement Windows

One of the most popular window styles in Braintree, the uPVC casement window offers a stylish, streamlined look. They are ideal for contemporary homes and older properties alike, as their understated design suits most styles.

They are particularly suited to early 20th Century homes, where the casement window was the most sought after design.

casement windows braintree

Sash Windows

Designed to replicate the styles of the 19th Century, uPVC sash windows are perfect for period homes. This does not mean they can’t be installed into more modern properties, as they are also fantastic for adding character and country charm.

The Georgian design gives a traditional and complementary look to any Braintree home.

Sash windows braintree

Tilt and Turn Windows

For functionality combined with aesthetics, the uPVC tilt and turn window will answer all your needs. These double glazed windows are ideal for upper floors or high rise properties where safety and practicality are vital concerns.

They offer an easy to maintain double glazing solution that can be locked in place to provide safe ventilation.

uPVC windows Braintree

uPVC Window Prices Braintree

If you would like to know more about our uPVC windows in Braintree, then please contact us. We have a great team on hand who are ready to help you with all your double glazing queries. They are experts in the field, so will be able to guide you through your options, giving you informed advice.

You can also get a free uPVC windows quote in an instant! We offer online uPVC window prices in Braintree so that you can see how much our value for money double glazing is in Braintree.
Try it now for your tailored uPVC windows quote!